Let Your Foundation be GOOD!

Let Your Foundation be GOOD!

This afternoon, i want to encourage you by the Word of God. Remember, a man can't live by food alone but by Rhema (the living word of the Lord). Hallelujah. It is the Word of God which creates life into our dead situations, and fruits into our barren situations. Hallelujah. Believe in the gospel. Psa 52:1 ISV Why do you make evil   the foundation of your boasting, mighty one?   God’s gracious love never ceases. When situations of life become harder and harder, people resort to seek other sol...
The Power Unto Salvation: "The Gospel of Christ"

The Power Unto Salvation: "The Gospel of Christ"

Good morning sons of God. Romans | Varoma English  1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Today is the last day and also last Sunday of the Month of February 2021: "The Month of Greater Favour". In this day allow me to tell you you that your salvation is the product of the gospel of Christ Jesus. The Gospel or good news of Jesus Christ is the p...
Don't Lose HOPE in the Lord!

Don't Lose HOPE in the Lord!

Good morning child of God. Romans | Varoma English 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Hallelujah. God will never put to shame those who hope in Him. Just believe! Have the faith of God! No matter what you have been praying  for such a long and you seem to have no answer, I exhort you this day to continue trusting in the Lord. God is working out your solution which is about to be revealed to you in your...

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