By The Gavel Pastor
Sat, 27-Feb-2021, 18:24


Let Your Foundation be GOOD!

This afternoon, i want to encourage you by the Word of God. Remember, a man can't live by food alone but by Rhema (the living word of the Lord). Hallelujah. It is the Word of God which creates life into our dead situations, and fruits into our barren situations. Hallelujah. Believe in the gospel.

Psa 52:1 ISV Why do you make evil   the foundation of your boasting, mighty one?   God’s gracious love never ceases.

When situations of life become harder and harder, people resort to seek other solutions of life from the evil one. We see even today, when a couple fail to have a child in their expected time, they run up and down seeking for help mostly from witchdoctors and false prophets. The same with those who sick riches, marriages and health. When these people succeed, they boast not knowing that their boasting is founded upon evil. Evil foundations, child of God will not last, Like mist, they will disappear. 

As a child of God, allow me to warn you against boasting upon evil foundations. When you see the wicked prospers in their ways, don't join them. Continue trusting in the Lord Almighty. The word to you is that, *"The Lord's gracious love never ceases."* Hallelujah! Even when it seems like life has come to dead ends, know that God's gracious love upon your life will by no means cease. Hallelujah. Continue trusting in the Lord and make His gracious love your foundation of boasting. Hallelujah.

Shadreck, Misheck and Abednigo have this to say, *"even if Jehovah will not deliver us, we will by no means bow down before your idols"*, this must encourage you to continue trusting in the Lord besides the situation of your life. Hallelujah. Abba Father spoke in His Holiness and said, *"I will not leave you or forsake you!"* His word is truth and faithful. Trust, believe and have faith in Him. His gracious love will never cease.

God bless you as He showers you with His *"gracious love"*. Hallelujah.


ABBA FATHER, in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I repent for all my boastings in evil foundations. I repent for seeking solutions of my life from the Evil One. I pray that you destroy every evil foundation where i was basing my confidence upon in Jesus' name. May you fill my life and everything which concerns me with your eternal gracious love so that I will rejoice in you in Jesus' name. Hosanna! Save me Oh Lord!

Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus Christ!

_*The Voice of the Holy Spirit, worth Hearing?⛈️*_

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