Don't Lose HOPE in the Lord!

Don't Lose HOPE in the Lord!

Good morning child of God. Romans | Varoma English 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Hallelujah. God will never put to shame those who hope in Him. Just believe! Have the faith of God! No matter what you have been praying  for such a long and you seem to have no answer, I exhort you this day to continue trusting in the Lord. God is working out your solution which is about to be revealed to you in your...
Welcome to Jesus Christ For All Ministries International

Welcome to Jesus Christ For All Ministries International

This is Jesus Christ For All Ministries International website created by Future Sibanda, affectionately, known as The Gavel Pastor. Jesus Christ For All Ministries International falls in RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY line of business. You can visit us offline at our office currently located at : 12253 Nkulumane, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Bulawayo, Bulawayo Province, Zimbabwe - zwe You can co...

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